Wonderful Land

Dry Ski Slope

Beluga Pipi, with his companions, came to the top of...

Beluga Paradise

Beside the Canary Bay is a beautiful beach. Bullet,...


Pony, a horse that measures less than 106 cm, gains...


Alpaca (Camelidae, Artiodactyla), similar to sheep in...

Polar Ocean

Beluga Playhouse

The Heart of The Ocean—the first underwater performance of two people and two belugas in northern Jiangsu Province.

Seal Gulf

Harbor seal is a second-grade animal under state protection.

Shark World

Sharks have a long history of over 400 million years.

Wolf & Fox Manor

Arctic Wolf is a kind of endangered species at the North Pole. It is mostly found in Ellesmere Island in the north of Canada. Arctic Fox mostly inhabits coastal areas of the Arctic Ocean and tundra in islands.

Penguin Kingdom

The Penguin Kingdom provides penguins with an amphibian natural living environment which is well similar to that in the South Pole.